BARK! WOOF! meow...

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

My Eyes on Brand New Eyes (A Paramore Album)

            Ok, so it's probably no secret by now that I love the band Paramore.  And not just the lead singer Hayley Williams.  I'm a fan of Josh Farro (lead guitarist), Zac Farro (drummer, brother of Josh), Jeremy Davis (bassist), and Taylor York (rhythm guitarist).  But how do I feel about their latest album "Brand New Eyes"?
            "Brand New Eyes" is Paramore's third album, the first two being "All We Know is Falling" and "Riot!".  This CD is definitely deeper than the previous ones.
            Spoken by Hayley, "I was like, 'This isn't a feel-good song, because I'm writing about something I'm going through right now, and it's still painful. And I confused that with actually not liking the songs, when actually I was prouder of them than I've ever been before. They're heavier emotions for me... I'm still going through some of this stuff, and these songs are really healing to me."
            As a big fan of Paramore, I know to be true the fact that these songs have a deeper meaning that the others.  "Riot!" and "All We Know is Falling" were made when the band was still knew and just starting out.  By the time recording of the new album started (January 2009), the band had gotten some experience and knew better what they were doing.
            Concerning the lyrics, they obviously were words that came from the heart.  "Playing God" is a song about some unnamed person, well, playing God; pretending that he/she isn't doing anything wrong and putting all the blame on the singer.  Goes the chorus:
"You don't have to believe me
But the way I, way I see it
Next time you point a finger I might have to bend it back
And break it, break it off
Next time you point a finger I'll point you to the mirror"
            I thought this a clever way to say that the blame-er is the real blame-ee. (and I can play it on guitar now!)
"Feeling Sorry" is one of the lesser known songs on the CD. The bridge goes:
"And all the best lies,
They are told with fingers tied
So cross them tight,
Won't you promise me tonight
If it's the last thing you do, you'll get out."
            An upbeat sounding song about a person that just didn't try hard enough to make it (hey, whattaya know, I can play this song too!)
            What about the actual instrumentals of the album, you may be wondering? 
            The sounds of the songs, the skill with the instruments being played, are just AMAZING.  The songs are very catchy without being too pop-ish.  The direction that the rhythm goes is sometimes foreseeable but nowhere near cliché.  Paramore comes up with their own guitar parts, bass parts, everything.  And I'm no expert drummer, but even I can recognize that Zac Farro is good at keeping time and performing complicated fills and bass drum rhythms.  I even enjoy the parts of the bass guitarist, who is also good at what he does.
            Most of the songs are up-tempo, rock songs.  "Brick By Boring Brick" and "Ignorance" are sure to get you head-banging by the chorus.  There are solos galore (what's a Paramore album without a plentitude of guitar solos?).  There are also the slower songs. 
            "Misguided Ghosts" is played with only two acoustic guitars and a steady beat on the bass drum (if my ears are informing me correctly).  "The Only Exception" is faster yet is still a slow song that many of you might have heard before (it was sung on "Glee").  "All I Wanted" is faster still, with a display of vocal skill evident enough to give Beyonce the chills.
            I realize that I haven't said one bad thing about the CD.  That's because I have nothing bad to say.  Honestly, I don't, and I'm not being willingly blind to any faults.  I just don't see anything wrong with the album.  But that's just my opinion.  I am URGING you to give the songs a listen.  I promise you won't regret it.

Paramore - Brick by Boring Brick (Live Acoustic) from James Crusher on Vimeo.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Poème de l’Hiver

It drifts slowly and silently
Like a Tokugawa ninja
They twinkle
Like mischievous eyes
They sway, bare
Like Adam and Eve, ashamed of their nakedness
They sit gloomy and dark
Like forlorn and forgotten pets
They cavort and prance
Like reindeer in the sky
And I
I sit alone and wonder
How to make a snowman

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Fo'Realz o' Fo'Notz

            Alas, we are now reading "The Great Gatsby".  That great book of American literature during the great period of the Jazz Age.  Having just begun the book, we know not yet what twists and turns the developing plot will take but we can speculate.
            So far, we've learned that Gatsby is madly in love with Tom's wife Daisy.  I mean, MADLY.  He spent thousands of dollars, maybe millions, just to live in this expansive mansion across the pond from her.  He gazes across this pond, to the opposite Egg, to see a green light near her house (?).  He holds expensive parties most nights just because he's hoping she will stop by one day.  And-what's this?- his next door neighbor Nick knows Daisy!  Not only does he know her, he is somehow related to her!
            That's when Gatsby starts to invite Nick over to his house.  He finally reveals his reason for the sudden uber-friendliness when he asks a mutual acquaintance to ask Nick to ask Daisy to tea (will she have to ask for tea?).
            Hmmm...seems sort of suspicious doesn't it?  Once Gatsby discovers Nick's relation to Daisy, he all of a sudden becomes very neighborly.  Maybe I'm being too suspicious but it sounds to me like Gatsby is using Nick.
            We have already seen Jay Gatsby change the way he acted in front of people (at the first party Nick attends, Gatsby turns from being eager to Baker to being formal when others approach).  So forgive me if I'm a bit skeptical of his true purpose for befriending Nick.  Something just doesn't seem right.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Thank You... for the Queso.

            Okay, this isn't really going to be about cheese.  Although j'adore queso.  Really, what's not to love about it?  But that's not anywhere near what I'm supposed to be writing about.  I'm supposed to be writing about how I'm thankful for all the OTHER Thanksgiving food.  I'm thankful for turkey and dressing and macaro - what?- I'm what?- I'm supposed to write about a person?- in this class? OH, that makes much more sense!
            Let me start over.  Hmmm…a person in my American Lit class that I’m thankful for…  How about people?  I’m thankful for Kate, Mauricio, and Paulina.
            To Kate: My Mexicana gringa amiga.  It’s been fun sitting next to you in Am. Lit.  and in geometry.  I’m thankful for the inspiration you give me when I have nothing to write about.  Thanks for helping me in geometry, too, when I don’t understand what I’m supposed to be doing.
            To Mauricio: Hey buddy!  You have a somewhat disturbed way of drawing and looking at things.  But that’s okay.  I’m still thankful for you.  I’ll never forget when you told me how to discipline the Mexican way and for teaching me what a flauta is.
            To Paulina: It’s too bad we don’t sit near each other in American Literature or in geometry.  But we still have fun at lunch.  I’m thankful for how you always need help with your Chinese homework, because it amuses me greatly.
            So those are my thankfuls.  Thank you for reading them.

P.S.  I’m still thankful for turkey.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Je Suis Une Charrue (The Life of a French Plow)

       Je suis une charrue.  J'habite en France.  J'habite sur une ferme.  Je travaille dans un champ.  La famille, ils doivent aider.  Alors, je les aide. Ils m'utilisent.  Je tourne de la terre.  J'aide à planter.  Ils plantent des fleurs.  Des belles fleurs.  J'aime les fleurs.  Ils sont tres gentilles et amusantes.  Je sors chaque jour, en automne.  Chaque matin, je travaille.  Le job est difficile.  Mais je l'aime.  J'adore la terre, les fleurs, le soleil...  C'est mon job.  Parce que je suis une charrue. 

       I am a plow.  I live in France.  I live on a farm.  I work in a field.  The family, they need help.  So I help them.  They use me.  I turn the earth.  I help to plant.  They plant flowers.  Some beautiful flowers.  I like flowers.  They are very nice and amusing.  I go out each day, in autumn.  Each morning, I work.  The job is hard.  But I like it.  I love the earth, the flowers, the sun...  It's my job.  Because I am a plow.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Black Power! And white...and all the rest...

            Slavery.  Another blemish in our country's short history.  It seems like that’s how many of these blogs start, huh?  Hey, don’t blame me.  Blame the U. S. of A.  But this time, it’s one of those problems that lasted a really long time and that everyone knows about from an early age.  And we like to think that it’s all over, there’s no such thing as slavery anymore right? WRONG!  Unfortunately, slavery is still alive and still not well.
            Back in the day, slavery was just a fact of life.  No need to hide it since everyone was doing it.  Now, slavery is looked down on.  I’m guessing it’s illegal, too.  But that doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen.  It’s just that people are really careful not to get caught.  Because if they do get caught, it’s kinda really bad for them. 
            Modern day slavery mostly occurs in Africa, India, Haiti, and Pakistan.  The people in bondage may be forced to do anything, including convert to a different religion.  In Sudan, it has been discovered that some slave traders cut the Achilles tendon of the people that wouldn’t convert to being Muslim (OUCH!). 
            Child slaves in India are forced to weave carpets if they want to eat.  Shackled slaves in Pakistan are cane-harvesters.  Girls are sold into prostitution in Thailand and the Dominican Republic army drags random people off of buses or out of their homes and drops them in the cane fields.
            So yeah, slavery does exist.  After hearing about examples like this, how could you think it doesn’t?

Friday, October 29, 2010

Salem Gets Witchy

            So many things happened in our country’s early history.  One of the blemishes of that history is the constant accusations of witchcraft.  As I discussed before, the book “The Crucible” was written by Arthur Miller.  It recounts the witch trials in Salem, Massachusetts that began in 1692.  In it, John Proctor and Abigail Williams were said to have had an affair.  After some research I have concluded: that is utter fiction.  Some of you may already know the falsehood of this untrue falseness (heh heh). 
            But what you do not know is the actual ages of these two major characters.  At the time, John Proctor was actually 60 years old and Abigail was 12.  So there would have been something very, very wrong if they did have an affair.  Besides, they lived more than eight miles from each other.  Considering that the fastest way of travel in that time period was by horse, it would have been even more difficult to have constantly rendezvoused with each other.
            Our next novel of choice (although we didn’t actually choose to read “The Crucible”) is “House of the Seven Gables”.  In this fine yet complex story, Nathaniel Hawthorne tells the tale of a large house in the 17th century.  The plot of land it sits on was originally owned by a man named Maule that was hanged for witchcraft.  Now think: the actual house of the seven gables was completed in 1668.  The Salem witch trials commenced in 1692.  Could these witch-related events be a coincidence?  I think not.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

This..means WAR!!!

"I hate you!" 
"I hate you more!"
 "Not as much as I hate you!" 
"Go jump off a bridge!"
"You first!"
So goes the conversations inspired by violence and hate.  Fortunately, these conversations sometimes turn into:
"I'm so sorry."
"Me too.  Can you forgive me?"
"Of course I can."
     But unfortunately, some arguments don't get resolved.  They can even sometimes end in death.  That's what happened in the case of Romeo and Juliet.  I know that they didn't really exist but I still think it is a prime example of a disagreement that leads to death. 
     As most of the world population knows, Romeo and Juliet were not the ones with the animosity toward each other.  It was their parents.  Their parents hated the idea of the other family so much that they were willing to take blood.  Knowing this, the lovers had to keep their relationship a secret.  In the end, (spoiler alert!) they die.  They died because of the secrecy of their love.  If their parents had not hated each other so much, those two lovebirds would still be alive to this day in Fairytale Land.
   Why didn't the families just settle their differences?  Why not just bury the hatchet?  Why not just get along?  Where did the hatred come from anyway?  I don't know.  (Really, I don't know.  Did they say why in the book?)  Whatever the original reason, there was no cause to keep the contention going.  Someone should have been the bigger person and tried to reconcile the families.  I guess those someones were Romeo and Juliet.  Too bad they had to die to accomplish it.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

John Proctor: Batman or Two-Face?

     Ah, The Crucible.  That age old account of the witch burnings in Salem (how old is the book again?).  The history of the events that are a blemish on America's "spotless" record.  And to think, it all began with an affair.  People, let it be known: Adultery is NOT okay!  It causes all kinds of unnecessary trouble.  In this case, it caused the death of many innocent people.  One of the leading characters in this horrific tale is John Proctor.
       John Proctor is a man with a wife. Notice the importance of that sentence; man with a WIFE.  He made a mistake a while ago and cheated on his wife with a 17 year old (he's a male cougar.  Or a rapist.)  But he realized the error of his ways and retuned to the love of his WIFE.  Too bad for him,, that 17 year old was smitten with him.  So smitten she wanted to smite his wife (heh heh).  Enter a "witch" and some chicken blood and you've got yourself a witch hunt.
    But John Proctor.  He made a mistake once and he will not make it again.  No matter what Abigail (the 17 year old) says to persuade him.  So she concocts a story to get herself and her posse out of trouble which affects everone, including Mrs. Proctor.
     So emerges the big question: Is John Proctor a hero?  Pardon my French but MAIS OUI!  IL EST UN HÉROS!  For you non-French speakers I will translate: OF COURSE ! HE'S A HERO!  He knew that what was being done was wrong.  He knew that there was something amiss and that Abigail played some part in it and he refused to join the angry mob.  Especially when his wife was accused.  That just made him angrier and more resolved to fix the situation somehow.
     Now you know.  John Proctor = Good Guy.  But still, nothing good ever comes from adultery/fornication.  It's wrong. So don't do it.  Ever.  Vous êtes d'accord avec moi?

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God

       “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” by Jonathan Edwards. One word: WOW. Never in my short life have I seen God described in such a harsh and violent light. According to Edwards, God can (and wants to) brutally punish everyone that is not a Puritan but the only thing holding Him back is “the mere pleasure of God, and that of an angry God”. Partially true. God is able to do this, and only doesn’t because He wills it so, but it’s just not in His nature to have this sort of attitude. This sermon by Jonathan Edwards really exaggerates the anger of God and completely disregards the loving and forgiving side.
       The anger of God is compared to waters that have been dammed, a bow and arrow, and a fire. The longer He holds back His judgment, the more judgment is building up for sinners. Sinners that are compared to “the most hateful venomous serpent” and “a spider, or some loathsome insect”. Can Edwards’ view on how detestable God thinks we are get any clearer? Yes, it can! Strong words such as “abhors”, “abominable”, and “worthy of nothing else, but to be cast into the fire” have been used to express God’s disdain towards humanity (entirely untrue expressions, by the way).
       Jonathan Edwards goes into the process of becoming a Puritan and says if you have not undergone this process, basically, God’s coming after you. Everything you thought was perfect and safe really isn’t. No one is safe in the hands of an angry God.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Oh, there's the neighborhood...why is it leaving?

            They came on the shore with their large canoes and began pouring out of them as the clouds give rain. Who are these strange people?  Where did they come from? Why are they here? Are they peaceful?  The Chief told four of us to go with him to meet the new people.
            We met the new people. They are so pale. Is there no sun where they come from?  And why so many animal skins? Are they also cold?
            They did not speak our language. But we were still able to communicate with them through gestures. We learned that they come from a far away land.  They were trying to find some sort of passage. By the excitement in their faces, we guessed that they found it. There is one word that they kept using, though. “Indians”. What does that word mean?
            The white people soon left.  But not after eating much of our food and crowding our villages.  Yet we accepted them.  Who are we to be inhospitable to travelers?  We gave them food for the journey and they left.  We still get the feeling that they have only just begun their journey.  But we wish them good traveling and hope they find exactly what they are searching for.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Introducing Me

     Hello, my name is Cyerra. Also known as... just Cyerra. Outside of my family, I don’t have any nicknames. So I’m just called Cyerra. Not Sierra, not Ciara. Cyerra.
     When asked if I’m an only child, my response is usually “it’s complicated”. I don’t have any siblings on my mother’s side but I do have a cousin that lived with us that I call me brother. Most of my family lives here but the rest live down South or in Minnesota.
     My favorite subject right now is either French or Guitar. I’ve always wanted to play guitar and have been playing for over 2 years now. I’ve also wanted to learn French which is what I’m doing now. Many people think I should have taken Spanish instead but I still chose French.
     Concerning music, I mostly listen to pop/rock but leaning more towards rock. I admit that I like the Jonas Brothers (a lot) but I also like Paramore, Vampire Weekend, and P!nk.
I was really into spelling bees when I was in elementary school. I won all of the school spelling bees but then came the next stage. For years I lost at that round until my last year competing. Besides spelling bees, I entered the Academic Bowl, Student Council, and Chess Club competitions. I even tried flag football (which didn’t work out at all). So it’s safe to say that I am no athlete.
     One of my favorite past times is reading. But not deep, philosophical novels, mysteries, or psychological thrillers. I read sci-fi/fantasy. I will read most anything that is pure fiction. Quite often, the book that I’m reading will be about vampires. I’m a big Twilight fan (Team Switzerland) and read other vampires series like House of Night and Evernight. If I have 5 books, chances are they are all about vampires. Or about both vampires and werewolves. That’s how much I like vampire novels.
     So that’s me. The French speaking, maybe-sister, spelling champ, vampire rockstar.