BARK! WOOF! meow...

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Life on the Rez

“El hombre con el sombrero nos envió!”
“Él nos contó muchas historias asombrosas!”
“Ho ho ho ho ho!”
“¡Cenamos esta noche en tortugas!”
“¡Serán buenos ellos, Z!”
“¡Soy feliz!”

            Brought to you by Charlie the Unicorn 2.  What this has to do with this blog: absolutely nothing.  But it amuses me so there you go.  And while I’m admitting everything, letting it all out in the open, I have something else to say: that movie we watched (I forgot the name) reminds me of Twilight.  Yeah, I said it.  Those Native Americans live on a rez just like Jacob and them.
            Moving on.  I don’t really know what we’re supposed to write about but I’m going to assume it has something to do with racism… or bigotry… or something.  So I’ll take it from there.
            When people think of discrimination in America, the first thing that usually comes to mind is racism against Blacks and Hispanics in the 1900s.  But Native Americans were discriminated against as well.  When they lived on a reservation their whole lives, they were separated from the rest of the country.  Even when living amongst Whites, stereotypes caused people to treat Native Americans differently. 
            As we’ve read in “Montana 1948”, some people thought that Indians were afraid of doctors because they were used to witch doctors or something like that.  It didn’t even occur to Wesley, the dad, that Marie had another reason for not wanting to be treated by Frank.
            Prejudice has always existed in society.  Some people just don’t like it when others are different from them.

P.S. I don't like bananas. I don't like to eat them and I especially don't like them in my ear.