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Thursday, September 9, 2010

Introducing Me

     Hello, my name is Cyerra. Also known as... just Cyerra. Outside of my family, I don’t have any nicknames. So I’m just called Cyerra. Not Sierra, not Ciara. Cyerra.
     When asked if I’m an only child, my response is usually “it’s complicated”. I don’t have any siblings on my mother’s side but I do have a cousin that lived with us that I call me brother. Most of my family lives here but the rest live down South or in Minnesota.
     My favorite subject right now is either French or Guitar. I’ve always wanted to play guitar and have been playing for over 2 years now. I’ve also wanted to learn French which is what I’m doing now. Many people think I should have taken Spanish instead but I still chose French.
     Concerning music, I mostly listen to pop/rock but leaning more towards rock. I admit that I like the Jonas Brothers (a lot) but I also like Paramore, Vampire Weekend, and P!nk.
I was really into spelling bees when I was in elementary school. I won all of the school spelling bees but then came the next stage. For years I lost at that round until my last year competing. Besides spelling bees, I entered the Academic Bowl, Student Council, and Chess Club competitions. I even tried flag football (which didn’t work out at all). So it’s safe to say that I am no athlete.
     One of my favorite past times is reading. But not deep, philosophical novels, mysteries, or psychological thrillers. I read sci-fi/fantasy. I will read most anything that is pure fiction. Quite often, the book that I’m reading will be about vampires. I’m a big Twilight fan (Team Switzerland) and read other vampires series like House of Night and Evernight. If I have 5 books, chances are they are all about vampires. Or about both vampires and werewolves. That’s how much I like vampire novels.
     So that’s me. The French speaking, maybe-sister, spelling champ, vampire rockstar.