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Thursday, September 23, 2010

Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God

       “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” by Jonathan Edwards. One word: WOW. Never in my short life have I seen God described in such a harsh and violent light. According to Edwards, God can (and wants to) brutally punish everyone that is not a Puritan but the only thing holding Him back is “the mere pleasure of God, and that of an angry God”. Partially true. God is able to do this, and only doesn’t because He wills it so, but it’s just not in His nature to have this sort of attitude. This sermon by Jonathan Edwards really exaggerates the anger of God and completely disregards the loving and forgiving side.
       The anger of God is compared to waters that have been dammed, a bow and arrow, and a fire. The longer He holds back His judgment, the more judgment is building up for sinners. Sinners that are compared to “the most hateful venomous serpent” and “a spider, or some loathsome insect”. Can Edwards’ view on how detestable God thinks we are get any clearer? Yes, it can! Strong words such as “abhors”, “abominable”, and “worthy of nothing else, but to be cast into the fire” have been used to express God’s disdain towards humanity (entirely untrue expressions, by the way).
       Jonathan Edwards goes into the process of becoming a Puritan and says if you have not undergone this process, basically, God’s coming after you. Everything you thought was perfect and safe really isn’t. No one is safe in the hands of an angry God.