BARK! WOOF! meow...

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Fo'Realz o' Fo'Notz

            Alas, we are now reading "The Great Gatsby".  That great book of American literature during the great period of the Jazz Age.  Having just begun the book, we know not yet what twists and turns the developing plot will take but we can speculate.
            So far, we've learned that Gatsby is madly in love with Tom's wife Daisy.  I mean, MADLY.  He spent thousands of dollars, maybe millions, just to live in this expansive mansion across the pond from her.  He gazes across this pond, to the opposite Egg, to see a green light near her house (?).  He holds expensive parties most nights just because he's hoping she will stop by one day.  And-what's this?- his next door neighbor Nick knows Daisy!  Not only does he know her, he is somehow related to her!
            That's when Gatsby starts to invite Nick over to his house.  He finally reveals his reason for the sudden uber-friendliness when he asks a mutual acquaintance to ask Nick to ask Daisy to tea (will she have to ask for tea?).
            Hmmm...seems sort of suspicious doesn't it?  Once Gatsby discovers Nick's relation to Daisy, he all of a sudden becomes very neighborly.  Maybe I'm being too suspicious but it sounds to me like Gatsby is using Nick.
            We have already seen Jay Gatsby change the way he acted in front of people (at the first party Nick attends, Gatsby turns from being eager to Baker to being formal when others approach).  So forgive me if I'm a bit skeptical of his true purpose for befriending Nick.  Something just doesn't seem right.

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