BARK! WOOF! meow...

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Thank You... for the Queso.

            Okay, this isn't really going to be about cheese.  Although j'adore queso.  Really, what's not to love about it?  But that's not anywhere near what I'm supposed to be writing about.  I'm supposed to be writing about how I'm thankful for all the OTHER Thanksgiving food.  I'm thankful for turkey and dressing and macaro - what?- I'm what?- I'm supposed to write about a person?- in this class? OH, that makes much more sense!
            Let me start over.  Hmmm…a person in my American Lit class that I’m thankful for…  How about people?  I’m thankful for Kate, Mauricio, and Paulina.
            To Kate: My Mexicana gringa amiga.  It’s been fun sitting next to you in Am. Lit.  and in geometry.  I’m thankful for the inspiration you give me when I have nothing to write about.  Thanks for helping me in geometry, too, when I don’t understand what I’m supposed to be doing.
            To Mauricio: Hey buddy!  You have a somewhat disturbed way of drawing and looking at things.  But that’s okay.  I’m still thankful for you.  I’ll never forget when you told me how to discipline the Mexican way and for teaching me what a flauta is.
            To Paulina: It’s too bad we don’t sit near each other in American Literature or in geometry.  But we still have fun at lunch.  I’m thankful for how you always need help with your Chinese homework, because it amuses me greatly.
            So those are my thankfuls.  Thank you for reading them.

P.S.  I’m still thankful for turkey.


  1. I understand your p.o.v. haha and aaw <3 mentioned :D.
    And so, you'd be happy if the class consisted of no one else??

  2. Interesting question.... No, I would not be completely happy. I enjoy having other people in the class like Simon, Faith, etc.

  3. awwww i should've sat next to you :P AND world studies.
