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Thursday, November 4, 2010

Black Power! And white...and all the rest...

            Slavery.  Another blemish in our country's short history.  It seems like that’s how many of these blogs start, huh?  Hey, don’t blame me.  Blame the U. S. of A.  But this time, it’s one of those problems that lasted a really long time and that everyone knows about from an early age.  And we like to think that it’s all over, there’s no such thing as slavery anymore right? WRONG!  Unfortunately, slavery is still alive and still not well.
            Back in the day, slavery was just a fact of life.  No need to hide it since everyone was doing it.  Now, slavery is looked down on.  I’m guessing it’s illegal, too.  But that doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen.  It’s just that people are really careful not to get caught.  Because if they do get caught, it’s kinda really bad for them. 
            Modern day slavery mostly occurs in Africa, India, Haiti, and Pakistan.  The people in bondage may be forced to do anything, including convert to a different religion.  In Sudan, it has been discovered that some slave traders cut the Achilles tendon of the people that wouldn’t convert to being Muslim (OUCH!). 
            Child slaves in India are forced to weave carpets if they want to eat.  Shackled slaves in Pakistan are cane-harvesters.  Girls are sold into prostitution in Thailand and the Dominican Republic army drags random people off of buses or out of their homes and drops them in the cane fields.
            So yeah, slavery does exist.  After hearing about examples like this, how could you think it doesn’t?


  1. yeap. wrong, but don't blame US of A. slavery has been around since the beginning of time and will continue. If slavery is what keeps the crap economy in some places going then we can't really blame them too much. Even the children sold into prostitution. As bad, immoral, frowned upon, and illegal as that is, it is a way of making money and the ultimate plan of every country individually to attain wealth. Im not saying im in favor of slavery, and i do think it's a horrible thing, i just feel like im seeing the same perspective over and over

  2. Slavery is a form of superiority. In slavery one believes that those he deems under themself should do whatever they command. Slavery won't ever die, as long as there is petty ignorance and unacceptance of others' places in socity.
