BARK! WOOF! meow...

Thursday, October 7, 2010

This..means WAR!!!

"I hate you!" 
"I hate you more!"
 "Not as much as I hate you!" 
"Go jump off a bridge!"
"You first!"
So goes the conversations inspired by violence and hate.  Fortunately, these conversations sometimes turn into:
"I'm so sorry."
"Me too.  Can you forgive me?"
"Of course I can."
     But unfortunately, some arguments don't get resolved.  They can even sometimes end in death.  That's what happened in the case of Romeo and Juliet.  I know that they didn't really exist but I still think it is a prime example of a disagreement that leads to death. 
     As most of the world population knows, Romeo and Juliet were not the ones with the animosity toward each other.  It was their parents.  Their parents hated the idea of the other family so much that they were willing to take blood.  Knowing this, the lovers had to keep their relationship a secret.  In the end, (spoiler alert!) they die.  They died because of the secrecy of their love.  If their parents had not hated each other so much, those two lovebirds would still be alive to this day in Fairytale Land.
   Why didn't the families just settle their differences?  Why not just bury the hatchet?  Why not just get along?  Where did the hatred come from anyway?  I don't know.  (Really, I don't know.  Did they say why in the book?)  Whatever the original reason, there was no cause to keep the contention going.  Someone should have been the bigger person and tried to reconcile the families.  I guess those someones were Romeo and Juliet.  Too bad they had to die to accomplish it.


  1. I like how you use Romeo and Juliet cuz it not only does it show that arguments and disagreements can lead to death, but that it can affect OTHERS who don't believe in those arguments into death [though literally wasn't overall it's what put them in the situation to do so]. so si.. i agree =]]

  2. As soon as I clicked on your page the convo you started with got me reading. I love that transition! I also liked the way you used Romeo and Juliet as an example. THAT'S A PERFECT EXAMPLE. ;)

  3. So liking the Romeo and Juliet mix! It shows how families or any group of people can blow their conflicts waaay out of proportions! Also, this was a great attention grabber(:
