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Thursday, January 13, 2011

Marching or Saggin'?

            Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday is approaching us very quickly (I don’t know what day but I’m sure it is approaching quickly).  Hence, the prompt for this blog: “King Still King?”.  There’s no need to go into background information on MLK Jr., seeing as how everyone American child learns about him in 2nd grade, or even before then.  But what difference did he really make?  (Forgive me if I don’t write as I usually do; too tired to be my characteristically witty self).
            Back when gas prices were low and my oldest aunt was just a wee little lass, African Americans were still not equal with the rest of the pale skinned Americans.  So there were marches for civil rights.  And more marches.  And maybe a few MORE marches.  All to fight the power, fight the man, and be equal.  Martin Luther King Jr. fought the power.  And he won, too.
            But what difference does that make now?  African Americans are free and equal to whites. We (may I say we?) can go to any hotel or restaurant we want.  Have the same jobs as “the man”.  Yes, we CAN do all that.  But do we?
            Sometimes, it seems as if some Blacks don’t appreciate the freedom that MLK Jr. and other protesters achieved.  We have succeeded in some careers (President Obama).  But others seem to not want to take advantage of the opportunities made available by marchers.  The children do poorly in school and fight.  The boys’ pants hang off their knees (♪ Pants on the ground…♪).  Civil rights leaders did not fight for us to regress and act/look like slaves. 
            I am only speaking of some of the African American race.  I know there are plenty that don’t fit these descriptions.  But for those who do, please stop enforcing stereotypes. 

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