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Monday, May 23, 2011

Hitler's Holocaust

U.S. + Great Britain + France + Soviet Union VS. Germany + Japan + Italy

Other countries that joined the Allies (Britain's side) include Greece, Australia, Denmark, and many others.
Other countries that joined the Axis Powers (Germany) are Hungary and Romania.

So this isn't the normal type of blog I write but I would really appreciate a discussion on this topic.  We all know the general details of the Holocaust.  Some of us that have studied it know a little bit more than others but I'd like everyone to comment.  It does not take too much in-depth knowledge to be able to answer these questions.

Many of the Jews that Hitler had rounded up were taken to death camps in Poland. One of these death camps was Auschwitz, the largest Nazi concentration camp, which was located outside of the Polish city of Oswiecim.  Why do you think Poland was chosen as the location of these camps?

And finally: If you were a Jewish person living in Germany during this time period, what actions would you have taken?


  1. I'm gonna guess b/c it was the closest and biggest country near to Germany. The U.K. and France, who were his enemies, were immediately to his right. Switzerland, immediately to the south, is a neutral country and would not get involved. He could have invaded Denmark, Czechoslovakia or the Netherlands, but they don't look large enough to hold the amount of people that Hitler had executed. If I were a polish person at that time I would have sought asylum in Switzerland.

  2. I know that as the U.S.S.R. (and rest of the allied forces) gotten closer to victory, they did uncover alotta hidden camps there. So maybe it was just a great hiding place, isn't it a lot of desolating locations and tundra as you move further and further in that direction from Germany. seems to be a good hiding place to me. and Carolyn made a good point too. If i were a Jewish person then, i would pursue some sort of shelter from it in the closest Allied Country but maybe not USSR bcuz they were communist Ally

  3. Okay, so during this time in the 1900s, there where three powerful countries known as the Big Three; The United States, the Soviet Union(Russia) and Britain (FDR, Stalin and Churchill). At this point, they attended the Yalta Conference where they went over "thorny questions" as they put it. Included in these questions, was the situation with Poland. Now, Poland was a communist nation. But, Poland was in a situation where it was open to be taken over by another country. So, I take it that Germany(Hitler) felt the need to take over Poland and use it for his own advantage, seeing how it had a poor government. Plus, Poland is right next to Germany. And if I was a jewish person living in Germany, I would have tried to escape to the closest allied country.

  4. I actually have no clue as to why Hitler would choose Poland, and I find that to be a rather interesting question. The only thing I can think of is because Poland and Germany border one another and if I remember correctly, he had some sort of control there.

    If I were a Jew living in Germany at the time and I had family, I would try to escape with my family. That is the only possible action I could see myself taking. However if escape was absolutely impossible and I had no other choice, I could see myself attempting to rebel in some way.
